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Kintsugi experience


Kintsugi is an ancient Japanese restoration technique that is now famous around the world, but do you know what it really involves?
Before striking gold powder is applied, the broken edges are fixed together and smoothed out with urushi, a type of lacquer made from the sap of the Asian tree species Toxicodendron vernicifluum, which is secreted when the bark is cut.
Urushi is an organic and eco-friendly material that has had deep roots in Japanese culture for thousands of years - in fact, the world's oldest urushi tree, unearthed in Japan in 2011, is estimated to be around 12,600 years old.
Completed with both urushi and gold, kintsugi is deeply linked to the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, which teaches us to cherish the beauty in broken and imperfect things, and to cherish the natural forms of objects.
We invite you to appreciate wabi-sabi not only through kintsugi with us, but also in your visit to Japan and your everyday life.

What we believe in

Our Values 

Sharing the masterful traditional techniques of Japanese craftsmanship

Uplifting the community by using locally made items and materials

Ensuring safe use of authentic materials

Promoting sustainable practices like upcycling

Maintaining post-trip connections

Providing quality experiences and items directly from artisans to consumers

Why choose URUSHIY?

Main attractions


important point

Although it varies from person to person, lacquer may cause an allergic reaction.
In the unlikely event that an allergic reaction occurs, we will not be held responsible.
If you notice any abnormalities, please consult a medical institution immediately.

Learn from Kyoto's artisans as an apprentice for a day.

You don't need to bring anything. We will provide all tools and materials. And you can take them home right away.

Let's support the Kyoto community. Everything and the people involved are mostly local!

Support your local artisan community.

Kintsugi Classes



・Free admission fee

・No need to bring anything.

・Story about lacquer

・Comes with matcha tea served in a kintsugi tea bowl and Japanese sweets

・Demonstration by craftsmen

・Kintsugi lessons taught by a professional art restorer

・Includes Kintsugi kit

・Restored works can be taken home

・Please feel free to ask us any questions about sightseeing in Kyoto!


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